Certificate Collector – a US site focusing in New England companies before 1929
Collectible Stocks and Bonds from North American Railroads is a site maintained by Terry Cox, author of Collectible Stocks and Bonds from North American Railroads. The site contains comprehensive database of railway related securities.
Earl Bennett collection of Idaho certificates presently stored at the University of Idaho. These are stock certificates collected by Earl H. Bennett of mining, lumber, and other related industries in the United States. Unlike most donated collections, Earl’s collection of easily searchable and open to all!
Franky’s Scripophily BlogSpot – Tales of Shares & Bonds is simply the site with the most content on scripophily so far. Think of any theme or country and find it here.
French aviation scripophily collection (French)
German collector Martin Buchwald, who collects issued German stock certificates 1948 and after, relating to the wealthiest German individuals or families
German Gold Bonds, a site by author Jeffrey Weston
German scripophily collector Michael Germar’s site on Zoos
German scripophily collector Werner Lorenz’s site on Real Estate and Tramways
German scripophily from the Rhein-Erft-Region
Goldsheet Mining Directory is a directory of mining companies, including extensive resources on obsolete securities.
Historische Optionsscheine is a German site with a catalog of option certificates. Excellent source written by an expert. (German)
Historische Wertpapiere Scripophily Blog – A blog by Dr. Roland Schmidt with articles in German and Enlgish.
Historische Wertpapiere TABAK – Peter – A site by Peter Blickisdorf about tobacco companies (German)
Indochina scripophily collection from German collector Ullrich Fritzsche
Internet Scripophily Museum of Computing by our member Frank Leeuwerck
The Joe I. Herbstman Memorial Collection of American Finance (English)
Maritime Historische Wertpapiere is Dieter Engel’s main field of interest (German)
Marseille en Actions is Gilles Reynauds site about scripophily from Marseille, France (French)
Morocco collection from Jens Scheele (German)
Nonvaleurs.de is an excellent resource for anybody interested in German pre-WW II securities (German).
Polish scripophily by Piotr Bykowski
Polish Scripophily by Tomasz Staniszewski (The IBSS Polish Representative)
Rotterdam scripophily collection from Dutch collector Ronald Nederlof
Scripomarket – A blog by Alberto Puppo with article in Italian and English
Scripophily in Finland – Text in Finish and English
Scripophily stories from Enrico Ghidelli
Scripophily website from Swiss collector Urs Hümbeli
Scripophilyusa.org is a site dedicated to growing interest in scripophily in the United States.
ScripoTime.com is a site dedicated to collectors/dealers/auction firms and others interested in Scripophily
ScripoWorld.com is a site of certificates with fine images
Tasmania is Dieter Engel’s other field of interest (English)
UK Railways certificates are listed on a site by our member Ian Dinmore
Utah Mining Site including Gallery of Stock Certificates
If you know of other links that belong on this page, please sent them to our Webmaster, Tim Welo at twelo@optonline.net