Make a Payment

To pay via PayPal or credit card:

(To select the three year option, press the down arrow on the right side of the white box below.)

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Payment by bank transfer:

GBP: NatWest Bank, Account Number 09539557, Sort Code 60-00-01, IBAN: GB97NWBK60000109539557, BIC: NWBKGB2L

EUR: IBAN DE48 2802 0050 3455 4584 05 – BIC OLBODEH2XXX

If payment by check send your check to:

International Bond & Share Society, Timothy V. Welo, Chairman, P.O. Box 208, Purdys, NY 10578, USA

For UK Residents, John Ennet, 21 Grange Road, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2QU